

How holly Started
My grandma was my best friend and losing her unexpectedly in 2006 is still the hardest thing I've ever been through. Since then, I learned very young the importance of sharing your feelings because I constantly think about how I wished I could have told her one last time how much she meant to me. Since my grandma’s passing, I have kept every single note and card given to me because you never know when someone’s words could be the last memory you have to hold on to forever. Since her passing, my grandma inspired my dream to start a business named after her, Holly Huong, where I sell things that mean something to me and share my passion for making the world a kinder and happier place.  

Creativity ran in my veins before blood ever did. I have loved creating, especially unique personalized handmade cards, since I was a kid. Throughout my childhood and in her last months with me, my grandma loved to crack jokes, even when times were hard when she suddenly got sick. One of my favorite last memories with her was a lame joke she made about a trash can. She made me grow into someone who easily opens up to people, is able to show love through affection, and have a strong love for family and friends that I’m not afraid to express. She made me grow into a sarcastic soul who appreciates the little things, even when life got hard for me when I was diagnosed with mental health and chronic pain conditions. 

That’s where the motto was born: Happiness is a perspective. I want to share with others the fun and loving life my grandma shared with me because life happens and it’s all about how you react to it.

Our Mission
My mission at holly is to spread positivity and encourage everyone to live in a world where having feelings is cool, diving into deep conversations is refreshing, and being kind and loving to people is not a weakness. However, as much as I encourage vulnerability, I hope that you can take life lightheartedly and laugh until you cry and pee your pants a little. It’s called balance, people.